
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Dawn Again: Tracking the Wisdom of the Wild

The most powerful and important book I've read this year? No question. Dawn Again: Tracking the Wisdom of the Wild, by Doniga Markegard, is eloquent, inspiring, and a must-read for any global educator. Markegard's memoir traces her beginnings from wildlife tracking to a more concerted effort of support and practical advice for wilderness education and living wisely on this planet. Through it all, her voice rings clearly for teaching about the earth, about the wildlife on it, and living responsibly and well.

Oo Roo, Uluru: a Trek In the Australian Outback

The Australian saying "see ya later" is often "Oo Roo."

Asako Maruoka's picture

Top 5 Regions in Tibet

Culture and heritage runs in the veins of Tibet, and the cities are an amazing reflection of that. Encompassing extraordinary geographical structures, beautiful rituals, and a unique lifestyle, Tibetan cities are graceful. Some ancient cities are present in the region and they tell stories of a glorious past. The cities hold great value, and they always give something unique to the visitors. Once you tour to Tibet closely, the cities hold an enchanting appeal.

Artist of the Month: Dan Miller

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Feb 03, 2017 / 0 comments

I've never seen anything like it - and am so grateful to the internet for the discovery! When first seeing our Artist of the Month, Dan Miller's art, I was stunned. Every time I see something by him in my feed, I am happy, pause, reflect, breathe. He has an unusually calm and detailed way of sharing the natural world with viewers - one for which I am grateful. His medium? Colored pencils!

Casey Siemasko's picture

The 7 Natural Wonders of Taiwan

It can be a bit confusing figuring out what is and isn’t ‘supposed’ to be a wonder of the world. It seems there’s a new list all the time, detailing the ancient wonders, the new wonders, the natural wonders, the underwater wonders…there’s even a list for the 7 wonders of the solar system!

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

How Nature Can Answer the Problems of Human Experiences: Escapism: Words + Photos

When I first heard of the book Escapism: Words + Photos, by Candice Lee, I was excited. Nature plus poetry plus lived experience? YES! Then the book came in the mail, and I opened it and happily dug in. 

How Nature Can Answer the Problems of Human Experiences: Escapism: Words + Photos

Snowmobiling Detroit? Exploring Michigan’s Outdoor Adventure Center

by Culinary Spelunker /
Culinary Spelunker's picture
Sep 26, 2016 / 0 comments

My face must have shown my confusion when my new neighbor in suburban Detroit gave me a cooking mitt. I was grateful, of course, but a bit bewildered at what seemed like an unusual housewarming gift.
“It’s Michigan,” she smiled. “We’re the glove state.” Enthusiastically, she held her hand up to show that the state of Michigan has an uncanny resemblance to a gloved hand. Then she put up her other hand. “And this is the UP. You know, the Upper Peninsula. Up north?”
I didn’t know.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Lassoing the Sun: A Year in America's National Parks

Some books come into your life and stay with you. For whatever reason, they strike a chord and fit right in. And while this is rare, it does happen. One book that is forever lodged in my heart is Lassoing the Sun: A Year in America's National Parks, by Mark Woods. It's a personal look at natural spaces, at family and friends, at moving and doing, at being in nature. It's a thoughtful record of exploration and listening and thinking, of love, of essence of place.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Raptors, Science, and Essence of Place: Avenging the Owl

Being a teen is hard. Being a teen with a series of life changes is even harder. One new YA book that explores this theme is Avenging the Owl, by Melissa Hart.

Lexa Pennington's picture

6 Destinations Perfect for Walking Holidays

For some people, relaxation during a holiday is all about a leisurely walk, while for others, walking is more of a sport. Whether it is in a park, mall, or on a hiking path, walking is an activity that can be enjoyable in more ways than one. With this in mind, if you are looking for a place that can be visited for a walking holiday, below are some of the best options. 
