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Bert Maxwell's picture

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Traveling And Running A Business

It is possible to run a business and indulge a love for travel and adventure, thanks to modern technology and infrastructure. It’s not easy to manage a company or lead a team if you’re out of the office, but you can do a great job if you steer clear of common mistakes. 

In this guide, we’ll highlight some pitfalls to avoid when traveling and running a business. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Five Tips for End of Summer Travel

Can you believe that summer is almost over? In fact, some kids are already back in school. Time flies! If you’ve got a few weeks before your kids get back to school, and you're looking for ways to sneak in an end of summer travel hurrah, follow these tips:

Sleeping Bear Dunes as seen from the beach in Empire, Michigan. From Five Tips for End of Summer Travel

Sleeping Bear Dunes as seen from the beach in Empire, Michigan

Music for Hope, Connection, and Courage

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Aug 19, 2024 / 0 comments

All across the world, politics and social life continue to shift and to change.

At certain times and in certain places, those shifts and changes seem to lead toward peace, toward connection, toward progress. At other times and in other places, chaos and fear haunt present and future.

In the midst of these things, hope can be a constant. Hope offers the idea of connection and the possibility of brighter future.

Music for Hope, Connection, and Courage

Lillie Forteau's picture

A History Buff's Best Guide to Chicago

Chicago, Illinois has many different names. The “Windy City” is probably the most famous moniker, but it’s also known as the “City of Big Shoulders” and the “City that Works”. Those aren’t quirky aliases, they’re references to Chicago's history.

A History Buff's Best Guide to Chicago

Courtney Miles's picture

Which 8 Products Should You Take On Your Next Trip?

Whenever you travel, you know you've got to plan ahead on what to bring. After all, you want to have the best possible equipment to enjoy the journey. 

Which 8 Products Should You Take On Your Next Trip?

Unfortunately, knowing what that actually is can be challenging sometimes. You don’t always have a clear idea of what you’ll need, once you’re making your way around the planet (or what's available to purchase wherever you are going).

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Highly recommended: Lisa Morrow's Writing Retreat Turkey 2025

Writing about what you saw on your travels and recording much loved family stories is a wonderful way to capture memories and share special moments from your life with others. Yet many people don’t know how to effectively use what they see, live, and experience and end up with diaries and notes full of random snippets of information. 

View of blue sky and seas from the front of a sailboat. From Highly recommended: Lisa Morrow's Writing Retreat Turkey 2025

Asako Maruoka's picture

Discover Affordable Luxury with Flyer Club's Cheapest Business Class Flights to Greece

Have you been dreaming of a luxury trip to Greece? We've got a great suggestion for you!

Flyer Club’s business class tickets to Greece offer a travel experience that combines luxury, comfort, and exceptional service. From the moment you board until you reach your destination, enjoy the highest standards of comfort and convenience, making your journey to Greece truly memorable. Here are 19 reasons why you should choose Flyer Club to head to Greece:

Lexa Pennington's picture

What You Need to Remember When Traveling While Running an Education Business

It can be amazing to go from educator to entrepreneur; everyone has their reasons for doing this. Nowadays, there are so many options out there to become an entrepreneurial educator, such as being an educator through video content like YouTube, an online teacher (like ESL), an author, or an online tutor. There are even some who are still employees (like university professors) who also get to travel.

Columbus’s Katalina’s Eatery Channel’s Modern Twist on Classic Foods

by Culinary Spelunker /
Culinary Spelunker's picture
Aug 13, 2024 / 0 comments

Springy, buttery pancake batter envelops creamy dulce de leche in a bite-sized ball that’s gently crisped all around. Pair the pillowy pancakes balls with a few strips of bacon glistening with a combination of brown sugar and a kick of spice, and you’re having breakfast at a quaint, eclectic spot in Columbus called Katalina’s.

Bert Maxwell's picture

How to Enjoy a Relaxing Weekend in Atlanta

Atlanta is a vibrant city known for its rich history, cultural diversity, great food, and stunning green spaces. But beyond its bustling streets and famous landmarks, Atlanta offers countless opportunities for a peaceful retreat.

Whether it's a leisurely stroll through a park, exploring serene neighborhoods, or indulging in a luxurious spa day, there's something for everyone looking to unwind. This guide will explore some of the best ways to enjoy a relaxing weekend in Atlanta, offering a perfect blend of tranquility and excitement.
