
Stasia Lopez's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause... you’ll surprise yourself each and every day when you realize all that you’re capable of

Emily Kearns is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh dual-majoring in Communication and Business. She studied abroad in Florence, Italy in the spring of 2015 and developed a deep love for travel. Upon graduation in May, she hopes to find a career that incorporates her passions for photography, writing, and travelling.

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How Studying and Interning Abroad Influenced a Career - and Changed Lives

Kelsey Williams graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Science with an additional Certificate in the History and Philosophy of Medicine. 

Kelsey Williams: How Studying and Interning Abroad Influenced a Career - and Changed Lives

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Love, Change, and the Expression of Thought: 30 Americans at the Detroit Institute of Arts

The new exhibit, 30 Americans. One Nation. Thirty Experiences, at the Detroit Institute of Arts, runs until January 18, 2016. I highly recommend planning a trip to Detroit to see this.

Why? This exhibit is a powerful look at race, power, art, and culture...and there's more to it than you can imagine.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Touring guitarist finds unexpected reason to stay home more

You're in the car listening to the SAME cloying, made-for-children CD aGAIN (oh, and your toddler insists on track 3 on repeat).

But wait! There's an escape! Help Matt Heaton fund his new album, Toddlerbilly Riot! in exchange for an infusion of clever songs that kids love... and adults do, too:

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#StudyAbroadBecause... Even if you think you know yourself, there’s so much more to discover

Born and raised in Plymouth, Michigan, Natalie Zazula enjoyed her collegiate years living in Pittsburgh. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (marketing) and a Bachelor of Arts (nonfiction English writing) from the University of Pittsburgh in August 2015. Her final 12 credits were earned while studying abroad in London, England! Read up on her interview below to learn more about her international experiences. 

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#StudyAbroadBecause... you will regret not going

Elissa Wollins is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh majoring in accounting. She spent an incredible semester in Prague, Czech Republic during the spring 2015 semester. Studying abroad forced her to get out of her comfort zone, allowed her to meet people from all over the world, and encouraged her to try things she never would have considered before. “If you study abroad, you’ll come home with a new outlook on life, a few more pairs of shoes, and endless stories about castles, cliff-diving, and what happened on the night tram.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Shoot the Conductor: Too Close to Monteux, Szell, and Ormandy

One of the pure joys in life is music - listening, playing...and conducting? Yes! As you have seen, experienced (who doesn't conduct in the car?), and loved (at your local symphony orchestra), music gets into your blood, and you can't help but let it out.

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#StudyAbroadBecause... It will open up your mind to so many new things!

Nicole Lottig is a graduating senior at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, majoring in Anthropology and minoring in Gender Studies. She studied abroad in Ireland during the spring semester of 2015. She studied at Maynooth University, which is located about a half an hour from Dublin. She learned a lot from studying in another country and would love to go back! Read up on her interview and learn more about her experiences. 

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#StudyAbroadBecause... there’s no better way to learn about the world than by seeing it

Ben Schuster earned his Bachelor’s degree in Communication at the University of Pittsburgh in the spring of 2015. He studied abroad in the Fall 2014 semester of his senior year to London, England. Read up on his interview below to learn more about his experience abroad! 

Ben Schuster - #StudyAbroadBecause... there’s no better way to learn about the world than by seeing it

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The Best Way to Get Experience: Venture Outdoors!

Lora Woodward is an avid outdoor enthusiast and non-profit professional, with the enviable ability to call work 'play.' For the past eight years, she has been working for Pittsburgh-based nonprofit Venture Outdoors, an organization dedicated to getting people outside. As the Program Director, she oversees the organization's client and program development, leadership training, volunteer management, and risk management.
