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Free Download: Accidental Poetry: Improve Your English Through Creative Writing

Teachers! Writers! New speakers of English—or any other language! For three days only—February 13, 14, and 15—the Kindle version of Accidental Poetry: Improve Your English Through Creative Writing by Lisa Lieberman Doctor can be downloaded for free on

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#StudyAbroadBecause... You Deserve To See The World

Katarina Klett is a third-year chemical engineering student at the University of Pittsburgh. At school, she works as a calculus tutor in the Math Assistance Center (MAC) and as a Peer Advisor for the Swanson School of Engineering. When not at the MAC or in the engineering building, she can be found in the Adipose Stem Cell Center, where Katarina worked as a Student Researcher since the summer following her freshman year.

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Eleni's Cookies Speak the Language of Love

Looking for a global gift for someone you love? Perhaps for an upcoming holiday? I've got the perfect thing for you. Eleni's Cookies, located in NYC, is well-known for their custom, hand-iced Conversation Cookies. With the Language of Love cookie set, you'll discover 10 heart-shaped cookies, with I Love You in ten different languages! Isn't this genius?

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause... It will make you fall in love with the world!

Maria Haase is an Online Marketing Consultant during the day and Travel Writer at night. Born and raised in Germany, she decided to move to the US, first as a High School Exchange Student and later to study Business in San Diego. Between degrees, Maria also spent 6 months doing an internship in Beijing, China, where she discovered her passion for Blogging and Online Marketing.

Cold Play ... But Every Day? London in Winter

by wandering freditor / Feb 05, 2016 / 0 comments did not start well. A wifely expletive, just as I'd closed the door of the apartment; the gut-chilling realisation that the security swipe card and keys were inside. So too, the bag containing the flight tickets and a wad of currency. Duck indeed! Contact the building manager. He'd gone home. Messages left, taxi cancelled. Time critical, called Wendy's daughter Emily, a last resort. She had a spare key and security swipe card, but was also 25 minutes away, and with Sydney traffic ...

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#StudyAbroadBecause Diversity

Charles Kronk ( is a junior at the University of Pittsburgh majoring in bioinformatics with focuses in German studies, international studies, neuroscience, computer science, web development, statistics, biology, chemistry, global health studies, European politics and theatre arts (because choosing any one thing was just too difficult).

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#StudyAbroadBecause…the world becomes your classroom

Clara Dorfman is a senior majoring in philosophy and Italian at the University of Pittsburgh. She spent the summer of 2014 interning at Vatican Radio in Rome, and then the following school year studying at the University of Bologna. Before coming back to Pittsburgh this year for her final year of college, she returned to Rome for another internship, this time at the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

You've Got to Love Dublin for Dreaming: Once

Have you seen Once? It's a musical that touches the heart of anyone who loves music. ONCE is the celebrated new musical based on the Academy Award-winning film. It tells the story of an Irish musician and a Czech immigrant drawn together by their shared love of music. Over the course of one fateful week, their unexpected friendship and collaboration evolves into a powerful but complicated romance, heightened by the raw emotion of the songs they create together.

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#StudyAbroadBecause... you’ll never forget it or regret it!

Brianna Gasgonia grew up in Southern California and is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh, double majoring in German and Russian and pursuing certificates in Russian and Eastern European Studies and European Union Studies. Her interest in international affairs began shortly after high school graduation, when she had the opportunity to study abroad in Germany as a Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Scholar.

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Developing the language and literacy skills of preschoolers through mentorship: The Jumpstart Program

Katie Blackburn is currently a Site Manager with Jumpstart Pittsburgh, a national non-profit that focuses on developing the language and literacy skills of preschoolers through mentorship.  Katie graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2013 with a Bachelor’s in Psychology as well as Minor in Statistics and a Certificate in Russian & East European Studies. As an undergraduate, Katie had participated in the Jumpstart Pittsburgh program.
