Intercultural Education

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Seeing It, Striving to Be It

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

Seeing It, Striving to Be It

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Getting The Picture with Ryan T. Bell

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: Getting The Picture with Ryan T. Bell

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Born Again Cowboy on the Steppe with Ryan T. Bell

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: Born Again Cowboy on the Steppe with Ryan T. Bell

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Crusader in a Conflict Zone (with Fatima Askira)

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

 Crusader in a Conflict Zone (with Fatima Askira)

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: The Food We Eat, Part 2

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: The Food We Eat, Part 2

Season 1, Episode 13

Another selection of unique, scary, strange, and sometimes delicious food stories from around the world.

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Following in My Father’s Footsteps (with Alaa Mahmooud)

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: Following in My Father’s Footsteps (with Alaa Mahmooud)

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Pop Stars and Marriage Proposals (with Amanda Trabulsi)

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

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22.33 Stories: Pop Stars and Marriage Proposals (with Amanda Trabulsi)

Lexa Pennington's picture

How to Choose a Good International School for Your Child

If you’re moving abroad for work, or any other reason, there are plenty of logistics to think about. One of those is where to send your children to school. 

When you’re an expat, you have two primary choices as far as your children’s education. You can send your kids to a local school or an international school. 

Lexa Pennington's picture

Learning Literacy: How Teachers Can Affect Reading Skill in Low Socioeconomic Students

Educators know better than anyone: Not all students are created equal. A student’s interest and ability to gain skills and information are highly affected by that student’s home life — if parents or guardians aren’t engaged in their child’s education, the child likely won’t be an enthusiastic or effective learner. This is especially the case with fundamental skills that should be practiced early and often, like literacy.

Christopher Wurst's picture

22.33 Stories: Learning to Say Love in Bengali

Featuring first-person stories of people finding themselves in the middle of a culture that is foreign to them; each week, 22.33 will deliver interesting tales from people who share how they were able to create mutual understanding through cultural exchange. 

22.33 Stories: Learning to Say Love in Bengali
