
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Opportunity for US Teachers: Travel to Ghana for Professional Development

ACCRA AND KUMAWU, GHANA.  August 17 - August 24th, 2016. Want to go?

Opportunity for US Teachers: Travel to Ghana for Professional Development

Lin Yuhan's picture

Promoting International Humanities Education

In my previous article, I expressed my disappointment in my students’ choice of majors (I’m a student advisor for predominantly Chinese international students at an ESL school). Most of them choose either business, management, finance, or accounting because they believe those majors are less complicated for international students and the job prospects in those fields are relatively more compelling.   

Through the Eyes of an Educator: The Beach

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Apr 04, 2016 / 0 comments

Gone to the Beach

Bert Maxwell's picture

Education's Changing Face Around the World

Volunteering in Schools Across The East

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Want to be a travel writer? Read this: Travel Writing 2.0

Whether you're a travel writer and want to up your game, or are interested in learning about becoming a travel writer, I've got the resource for you. Tim Leffel, of Perceptive Travel and Travel Writing 2.0 (read my interview here!), has updated his classic guide to travel writing and brings with it an awareness of this new media landscape we live and work in.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Stand #withMalala to improve education for girls

Stand #withMalala to improve education for girls

Education – in all its forms – can change the world. And education is the single most effective way to reduce poverty.  The Global Partnership for Education notes, 

Kids Tales: Teens Making a Positive Impact on our World

by Lisa Doctor /
Lisa Doctor's picture
Feb 19, 2016 / 0 comments

Katie Eder is a tenth grade student—and an award-winning educator. Her passion for creative writing and her belief that kids can change the world led her to found Kids Tales, a non-profit workshop for elementary school students in low income areas, where original short stories are compiled into anthologies and self-published on 

Bert Maxwell's picture

Top Destinations to Study for your Business Degree

Perhaps at some point in time, you have imagined yourself setting up and running an international multi-billion-dollar business enterprise. However, before venturing out, those who have succeeded before you will recommend that it is a good idea to first learn the ropes and basics of business. Getting a Business Degree overseas may be the best route as it gives you an international perspective, and, let’s be honest here, is often much cheaper!

Savannah Music Festival: Education in the Spotlight

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jan 18, 2016 / 0 comments

The city of Savannah, Georgia, has been a place where cultures meet and mix and mingle ever since its early days centuries ago. Blues, bluegrass, country music, jazz, gospel, and Celtic music are local traditions in music that continue to flourish in Savannah. Over the years, it has also become a crossroads for classical musicians, those who work in opera, and musicians who bring their native traditions from many parts of the globe. The Savannah Music Festival celebrates and encourages all these aspects of music.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Free writing resources from Creative Revolution Retreats

For all you women who want to travel and tell your story, Creative Revolution has the perfect combination for you.

Creative Revolution Retreats has just announced their next two creative writing for women retreats. The first in early November 2015 in Costa Rica. The second in July 2016 in Nicaragua. 
